Brayden Lee McCoy
Born October 30th, 2016 @ 1:06 AM
8lbs 4.4 oz. and 20 Inches

Around 6:00AM on October 29th, I got the text that Annika was definitely in the early stages of labor. At 41Weeks and 1 Day, she and her husband were so ready to meet their precious baby boy! I arrived at the hospital at 12:05PM and Annika was around 2cm and having contractions every 2 minutes. The hospital didn't admit her right away so we hung out in the waiting room.

At 3pm Annika had reached 4cm dilated and the hospital admitted her!
Around 5pm, Annika was able to relax in the tub for about an hour. When she got out at 6:04PM she had made it to 5cm and Baby Brayden was at a -2 station.

At 6:44PM, 40 minutes from when she got out of the tub, Annika had progressed to 6cm and we were all amazed at how fast it was going! Brayden was also now at a -1 station.

At 9:10PM she reached 9cm and an hour later she reached 10! Around this point she started pushing off and on. Again, this momma amazed me with her strength through these contractions.

Finally at 1:06AM Brayden was born! No epidural for this first time mom either! Being 37 weeks pregnant and planning an all natural birth, Annika was truly inspiring.

I was at the Hospital for 14.5 hours for the birth of Mr. Brayden, and every second was so worth it. I feel so honored to capture these special moments for families and hope that they cherish these photos for years to come!