Ahhh! Liz has been a close friend of mine since we started attending our church here in Italy! She is the sweetest and we just love her and Daniel like family! I'm so thankful for their friendship. When she told me they were going to start trying I was SO excited because I know they were going to be great parents....and then soon after she told me she was pregnant and I could not believe it!!!! I was ecstatic!!!!! And THEN she told me she wanted to surprise Daniel with the news (haha sorry Daniel, I knew before you)! So My husband video'd the whole thing and I photographed it all in a cute italian town! We had a whole story where I needed to photograph a couple THAT morning (OH it was also Daniel's Birthday, the perfect gift right?!) for a contest hahahaha It worked! He had no idea! So here are the beautiful photos from that session. I totally teared up during the reveal <3 Love you guys!!!!
