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28 Weeks Pregnant - {Personal Life}

This pregnancy started off really slow. The first trimester dragged on and on. I was nauseous a lot but didn't have a whole lot of actual sickness, and I was REALLY tired. But once the second trimester hit things started moving a lot faster! Part of that was we were super busy, traveling back to the states, moving into a new home, working! There was a lot going on! Now we're here in the third trimester, and as I write this I'm actually right around 32 weeks now! But back to this session! I ordered some dresses from Wren and Ivory (highly recommend this company! I've loved everything I've gotten from them and their dresses work for all the time, not just pregnancy!) and this particular one was just a little tight so I knew I wouldn't be able to wear it past this point. But it is a beautiful dress and I really wanted to grab some photos in it!

I will say, at this point in my pregnancy I just was not happy with how I looked. I know I blow up like a balloon when I'm pregnant but with the girls it wasn't so early. I'm most self conscious about my face and how round it gets. BUT I know photos are important. They are really special to me and I know I would regret not having them even if I do look huge. So we did it. My husband is just amazing and deals with me asking him to retake a million photos too hahaha It's not easy being married to a photographer.

I'm so thankful for this baby and am so excited to be growing our family. But that doesn't mean it's not hard seeing your body change. So momma's, I feel ya! And I strongly encourage you to get in front of the camera and photograph that bump! You'll want those photos later, I promise! You'll want to show your sweet baby that you grew them in your tummy <3


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